Blog Archive
This month the feature film 'Introducing Homeopathy' is premiering on Children's Health Defense TV! Whether you know nothing or much about homeopathy, you won't want to miss your first chance to see the film. Watch the trailer for the film and register to see the premier for free using...
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting up to 15% of women of reproductive age (1). Because it’s both misunderstood and misdiagnosed, it’s likely that the numbers of those with it are in fact significantly higher. PCOS can be characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, excess androgen levels, and polycystic ovaries. Women who...
Hormonal imbalances are a common health concern among many patients that walk through the door at Bio Energy Medical Center. We find all hormones to be relevant in health because let's face it, the level of one hormone is influenced by others (this is why at BEMC we evaluate a whole...
When most people think about a time that is crucial for a developing baby, pregnancy is usually the first thought that comes to mind. And while this is clearly a period where the health of a mother and its connection to the health of a baby is parallel, an often...
Platelets have been somewhat of a mystery for me in my medical career. I was taught in medical school that these were protein fragments that were critical components of forming a clot. With inadequate platelets, you bleed to death. I spent many sleepless hours as a surgical resident trying to maintain...
Whether you are looking to simply add one regime, or completely choose homeopathy as a primary form of medicine, the opportunities with using these remedies are endless. Homeopathy can be used for all ages, but we've seen a huge rise in its use and benefit with children. Each year more...
India is in need of help during this Covid-19 crisis. BEMC homeopathic provider, Uma Desai, is putting together the below fundraiser to help purchase 10 oxygen concentrators for those in need. Please click HERE to donate on the GoFundMe page. If you’re not able to donate, you can help by...
Hi, my name is Uma Desai and I joined Bio Energy Medical Center almost 21 years ago. I graduated from Sardar Patel University in India with a B.H.M.S (Bachelor of Homeopathy, Medicine, and Surgery) degree. I am a certified member in Classical Homeopathy by the North American Society of Homeopaths,...
In the face of uncertainty and disruption of schedules and routines, health practices which support optimal physical and mental well-being may become more challenging. We at Bio Energy Medical Center want to help support you through these times, while acknowledging that everyone is coping differently and not passing judgment on...
Want to hear Dr. Neu speak on autoimmune encephalitis, vaccines and treatment? Here's your chance! Join us Saturday, February 29, at West Bloomfield High School Media Center. Tickets are $20 before the event and $25 at the door. Registration will begin at 9:30 AM, event goes from 10:00 AM -...
Do you ever check your phone before bed and before you know it, 45 minutes has gone by in the blink of an eye (which means 45 minutes less sleep)? Do you ever get asked by friends or family members to set your phone down because they don’t feel you...
It’s that time of year again! Healthy patients return to my office for yearly flu prevention. You know what you are doing is working well when you have repeat patients, and even practitioners of conventional medicine that choose homeopathy year and year again. In the last couple of weeks,...
The kids are heading back to school, which means easy go-to snacks, and treats are NECESSARY for stocking your home and packing lunches. Despite an increase in children with food allergies/sensitivities and diet restrictions, it can still be challenging to find easy, ready-made snacks. In this post, you’ll find a...
There's still time to register for When Your Cubs Leave the Den: Sending Your Young Adult Off to College with Homeopathy presented by the National Center for Homeopathy. Leading this webinar is Loretta Butehorn, Ph.D., CCH. "After teaching at Boston College for over 20 years as well as dealing with all...
We are excited to FINALLY share that Bio Energy Medical Center is a 2019 Ann Arbor Family Press 'Family Favorites - Doctor's Orders' Winner for 'Natural and Homeopathic Health'. Thank you, everyone, for the support and votes! To see all of the other Doctor's Orders winners, click here! Looking...
"Tyler was born perfectly healthy October 3, 2013. He developed relatively normal for the first few months of his life. Towards the end of his first year it became evident things were not going as they should. Tyler stopped smiling for most photos, he didn’t respond to his name, and...
How does BEMC differ from a conventional medical practice? How long is the wait for an appointment? Do you accept insurance? How much do consultations cost? What type of testing does do you do? All these answers and more are below! These are just a couple of common questions we...
Happy New Year, BEMC readers! Our very own Maria Gahry, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, kicked off 2019 presentations this past Saturday during the (sold out) Holistic Health Fair at St. Luke’s Hospital. She was one of several other experts that spoke during the presentation portion of the health fair. Attendees were able to...
The holidays are just around the corner! If you’re still looking to get your loved ones the perfect gift geared towards health and wellness, don't freak out - we’ve got you covered. From supplement recommendations to meditation subscriptions, Bio Energy Medical Center's gift guide has something on it for everyone on your...
What is a Darkfield Microscopy test? A Darkfield Microscopy is a blood test in which we take a drop of blood and look at it immediately using a special form of lighting that allows us to see living cells without staining. It provides a look at overall health, microorganisms may...
BEMC's leading man, Dr. Neu, traveled all the way to Beijing, China and spoke in front of a crowd of 300 - including a group of medical providers from all over the world. During his time, he presented the Bio-Medical approach to treating autism, and consulted on a few cases. ...
Last month, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices met quarterly to discuss vaccines like they always do, but this time around something was different. The room, which normally is only filled with committee members and pharmaceutical reps, had more company than they probably would've liked. A group of 50+ people were...
What is a health coach? A health coach is a supportive mentor who partners with individuals to help guide and motivate lifestyle changes by creating personalized wellness plans to meet their unique needs. What are some reasons to begin working with a health coach? 1. True health...
We have all heard in some form or another that flu season is upon us. It seems we cannot go anywhere these days without hearing the push to get a flu shot - including your own living room (thanks to those new TV commericals shown on every break). Unfortunately, the media...
One aspect of integrative medicine is helping patients navigate the complicated world of pharmaceutical medications and their side effects. Many of my new patients come to me with the goal of eliminating or reducing the number of medications they are taking. Commonly prescribed medications these days include those to treat...
When it comes to losing weight, it can often feel impossible when your partner isn’t on the same page. Ever try eating a spinach salad while the person across from you is enjoying a slice of pepperoni pizza – 10/10 wouldn’t recommend it. For most of us, dieting and exercising...
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been a godsend to many patients. Its anti-aging and general health benefits have improved their quality of life and well-being, not to mention sleep, mood, muscle strength, sex drive, and numerous other issues. The issue has always been which form of HRT is best. For...
We all know that losing weight can be pretty expensive, and many programs out there involve specialized food and costly supplements. What’s worse, it’s hard to know upfront whether or not a certain weight loss program will even work for you. Is there really any way to determine, in advance,...
The debate between food-based vs synthetic vitamin C supplementation is a hot topic, but research by Dr. Susanne Humphries has helped shed light on this important issue. According to the Vitamin C Foundation “What is commonly called vitamin C, the ascorbate ion, or simply ascorbic acid, is the real vitamin...
One of the most common questions I get from clients is, “What can I do to avoid getting sick this winter?” Although there are many answers to that question, my favorite is to recommend adequate doses of vitamin D. Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because skin exposure to sunshine...
DETOXIFICATION More than 87,000 chemicals are in use in the United States with more than 3,000 chemicals added to our food supply - over 10,000 chemicals in the form of solvents, emulsifiers, and preservatives are used in food processing, packaging, wrapping and storage. EPA studies of human fat biopsies have...
Sometimes it feels like we have so much to worry about in our lives - healthy food, clean water, natural disasters, nuclear threat! The list goes on and on. As an integrative healthcare provider, I worry about all of those things and more. The latest worry on my radar is...
What comes to mind when you think of the word “selfish?” For many, it carries a negative connotation and is associated with concepts such as greed, egotism, lack of consideration for others, and meanness. At the root of the word, it simply means “to be concerned with oneself” and can...
There is no question that we are living in an extremely toxic world - heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, plasticizers, solvents, PVC, gasoline additives, flame retardants, petroleum byproducts, etc. make their way into our food, water, air supply and countless products in our environment often without us even being aware...
If health begins in the gut, then we owe our health to the state of our probiotic balance. Probiotics are living organisms that populate our bodies with different types of bacteria living in different environments. When we speak of probiotics, we are typically referring to organisms that are essential to...
Like most psychiatric diagnoses, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is defined by a set of symptoms. Many children with ASD have physical symptoms that not only make their autism symptoms worse, but my lie at the root of why they have autism in the first place. There are three areas in...
The topic of sleep deprivation has gained recognition as a leading health-related concern, featured as one of the new focus areas in Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) - a national 10-year blueprint aimed at improving the health and general well-being of the American Population (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,...
This is part 1 in our series on autoimmunity. As with many of the conditions treated at Bio Energy there is not one straightforward path to wellness. Autoimmune conditions have to be managed from many angles. Over the next several months we will present these different approaches in our blog...