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Dr. Neu Travels to Beijing, Discusses Bio-Medical Approach to Treating Autism

BEMC's leading man, Dr. Neu, traveled all the way to Beijing, China and spoke in front of a crowd of 300 - including a group of medical providers from all over the world. During his time, he presented the Bio-Medical approach to treating autism, and consulted on a few cases. 
"Bio Energy Medical Center uses the Bio-Medical approach to the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder—which covers a range of abnormalities. We look at the interaction of the child and their environment and find out what factors exist and then try to manipulate those factors. The first area of interest lies in the digestive tract and the second area of importance for children with ASD is the arena of methylation and sulfation. A third area of concern with these children is the immune system and the syndrome of chronic infections. Lastly, children with ASD usually have issues surrounding heavy metal toxicity." 
To read more on the Bio-Med treatment visit our website here!
Bethany Wojnar, EMT-B Bethany has been working with Bio Energy Medical Center since 2017. With a background in advertising and social media, she handles all things marketing along with administrative tasks. She graduated from Central Michigan University in 2014 and is certified by National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

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